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Jump for Joy

What do you need: Safe and quiet space with a place to move freely.
What can it help for: Promotes positive mood, activates body, increases energy level, awakens imagination.
How much time do you need: Up to 7 minutes.
How to do it? 
As this is an energetic activity, please be attentive and careful to your body, especially in case of traumas, injuries, aches. Do less rather than more!
Choose an energetic and uplifting music of your own choice.
Let´s get ready to boost your energy! We will start with a short warm-up.
Find yourself a space, where you can move freely. Please stand in the middle of the room and take a few deep breaths. Move your head gently up and down and from side to side. Then put your
hands on your shoulders and do some circles, change the direction. Next stop – hips! Let´s go around the world with hip circles in both directions.
After that, place your hands to your knees and do some knee circles.
Finally, warm up your ankles in pressing and circular motions.
Are you ready for swinging and kicking?!
Feel the beat and rhythm, let it take you with. Start pulsing and swinging to the music.
Engage your ankles and knees to the swinging momentum. Grow your movements bigger until your feet come off the ground, and you are jumping. Imagine yourself being a child again, jumping through the puddles, from stone to stone or just of excitement.
Jump on one foot, feet together, shifting your bodyweight from one foot to another.
Jump forward, backward, side to side.
Exhausting? Then try out smaller movements, bouncing
instead of jumping.
Not tired at all and can´t get enough?! Use bigger movements and engage your head, shoulders, arms, hips. Kick your feet – low and high. 
Is your energy in alignment with the range of movements?  Does it match your current emotional and physical needs the best?
End the exercise with your favorite jump! Your jump for joy!

Would you like to try some variations?
Use a different style of music.
Try it together with other people.
Use a gymnastic ball to sit and bounce on if you don´t feel like jumping on your feet.

Now you can reflect:
● What is different now?  You can think about your current physical sensations, feelings, and thoughts.
● How would you describe your jumping? What kind of jumping did you like the most?Why? 
● How can this experience support you?
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