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The handbook “MoveOn” has been produced in the framework of the Nordplus Adult Collaboration Project „MoveOn NPAD-2021/10031“.

The project aims:

At an organisational level – to develop collaboration between Dance Movement therapy organizations in the Baltic States to promote exchange of good practice and internationalisation and to increase the visibility of the DMT organizations in their countries.

At a sector / regional level the project aims were to disseminate project products and results for our DMT colleagues in the Nordic countries and to popularize DMT in the fields of health care, social care, education as an effective therapy form for promoting wellbeing.

A project-specific aim was to develop a user-friendly, practical online tool - "MoveOn" for specialists from the helping professions.

Dance Movement therapy (DMT) can improve physical, psychological, cognitive and social health by using dance and movement. It is a health care profession that has been recently established in the Baltic States with significant potential to be used in coping with anxiety, depression, isolation, burnout and other disturbances caused by Covid-19.


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