Once upon a time, there was a big-eyed, handsome seal who loved to eat well. He had very good hearing and an excellent sense of taste, and he loved catching fish. Sometimes he felt so hungry that he chased those poor fishes from the shores of Lithuania to Latvia, and from Latvia to Estonia and back again, for entire days and even weeks.
Such a way of life tired him, though. On the verge of burn-out, with no energy left, he started thinking how to change his bad habits and improve his lifestyle. Before he could come up with any ideas, he suddenly felt quite poorly, he lost his sense of smell, and he became unable to taste the fish.
As it later became apparent, the seal had fallen into the trap of Covid-19. Trapped in the cage of a hunter named Covid-19, the seal drifted away from his hobbies, friends, and normal way of life. The seal's large, shining eyes became foggy, and he sank into sadness. Weak and powerless, he was floating in the Baltic Sea when suddenly he saw a small boat. Looking inside, he found some fish and a compass. Slipping into the boat, he decided to travel as far as his eyes, compass, and heart would lead him.
How the seal fared, what he discovered and what he understood about more embodied, more sensory and more aware living can be found in the pages of this book.
"Move On" handbook includes various Body-Dance-Movement based methods which you can choose from using our mood and energy compass - sea meter
“SEA METER” (“mood and energy meter”) is a tool that in a structured way will help you to navigate through the handbook.
At the beginning, become aware of your energy level – is it high or low? Also pay attention to your mood – are you in a good or bad mood?
We have different days – smooth and successful, and days when nothing happens as we wish. Various events happen in our lives that affect our physical, emotional and cognitive (thoughts, memories, perception etc.) state.
Choose between the 4 modalities, below:
High energy/ pleasant mood: You have a lot of energy, and you are in a good mood.
High energy/ unpleasant mood: You have a lot of energy, and you are in a bad mood.
Low energy/ pleasant mood: You have little energy, and you are in a good mood.
Low energy/ unpleasant mood: You have little energy, and you are in a bad mood.